Thursday, January 9, 2020
Photosynthesis And Its Effect On Our Lives - 887 Words
Without the process known as Photosynthesis, life wouldn’t be the way it was. Earth is an open system requiring the input energy to drive life processes. In photosynthesis, light energy is transformed into chemical energy. The chemical energy used in photosynthesis is synthesized into organic compounds by glucose and carbon dioxide. In the same process, water is used and oxygen is released into the atmosphere. The oxygen released from photosynthesis is what we use to breathe and is needed for our daily lives. We’re dependent on the successfulness of plants conducting photosynthesis but plants are also dependent on us. Plants are dependent on us because of respiration. Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis where oxygen is being consumed and carbon dioxide is being release. Homo sapiens have a huge impact on photosynthesis and plants. Because humans are continuing to develop, it’s harder to compensate for everyone’s needs. More land is needed to give shelter to the billions of people on Earth. With the increasing population, humans are on top of the food chain. Plants are suffering from this by deforestation. Deforestation is the result of the continuous involving of humans. People need places to live and businesses need somewhere to produce their goods. Areas that were once formally abundant in plants and trees are decreasing because they’re being cut down due to human needs. In reality, humans have plants in their disposition. The results of human activities areShow MoreRelatedPhotosynthesis And Its Effect On Our Lives1741 Words  | 7 PagesScience, photosynthesis is defined as â€Å"the use of sunlight to manufacture carbohydrates†(Freeman, 2011). Even today, many organisms rely on photosynthesis to stay alive. µ Many plants are known as autotrophs, which is the ability to make their own food, while humans and other animals are termed heterotrophs, which is because they have to find the sugars and many other things the need to stay alive from other organisms. Because humans can’t live without plants for sugars, photosynthesis is fundamentalRead MoreThe Effect of Temperature on Photosynthesis1085 Words  | 5 Pagesliving species needs energy to live. Energy is a product of photosynthesis, which is the process that converts energy in sunlight to chemical forms of energy that can be used by biological systems2. Many organisms are not able to use the energy obtained from sunlight directly; however, plants are able to use this energy and convert it into chemical energy by converting CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2O (water) to organic materials3. The energy source for photosynthesis comes from sunlight, which allowsRead MoreThe Effect Of Photosynthesis On Plants And The Cycle Of Photo synthesis899 Words  | 4 Pagespollution, and the ramifications and effects it has on plants and the cycle of photosynthesis. Pollution not only directly effect plants and the cycle of photosynthesis, but pollution can also indirectly harm other elements that contribute to the life of a plant and the cycles it performs. Photosynthesis is the cycle in which light energy converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen by ways of a chemical reaction (Robinson 2015). Photosynthesis’, overall a fairly simple process, hasRead MoreCarbon Dioxide And The Problems1170 Words  | 5 Pagesand how damaging the effect can be, not on just the unhealthy aspect on humans, but the entire planet itself. This essay will explain the background of carbon dioxide and the problems it causes. 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A current scientific topic
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