Saturday, November 30, 2019
The novel progresses Essay Example
The novel progresses Essay The reader begins to realise that Fagin is an evil character as the novel progresses. In chapter thirteen, Charles Dickens portrays Fagins determination to get Oliver back: Whats become of the boy? said the Jew, seizing the Dodger tightly by the collar, and threatening him with horrid imprecations. This brings about suspicion in the reader as Fagin is showing much determination to retrieve a little boy. But one consequence of Oliver not being under the control of Fagin is that he could snitch on Fagins criminal activities. But this is only a possibility, so why his Dickens illustrating this character with such determination? The reader begins to understand that Fagin is under the influence of Monks for which is why he shows such determination to retrieve Oliver. Dickens has portrayed Fagin as a self-obsessed character as he his only concerned about the consequences that would occur to him or benefit him with the retrieval of Oliver. Again, Dickens has depicted Fagin of his malicious human nature. We will write a custom essay sample on The novel progresses specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The novel progresses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The novel progresses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The reader has clear understanding of how Fagins mind works; he is a character who has a strong attachment to materialism and he his self-absorbed. The reader begins to develop an understanding of Fagins character; he has much dexterity within the criminal world and is a sly, cunning, and resourceful man. This is also portrayed through Alan Bleasdales interpretation; however this character has been expressed as more intelligent. When Bumble is introduced back into the novel in chapter 17, he discovers an advertisement about Oliver and he immediately sets out to find more information. When Bumble meets Mr. Brownlow he attempts to destroy Olivers character. Dickens depicts the evil aspects of this character through the way he treats other people and this is mainly portrayed through how Oliver is treated: that Oliver was a foundling, born of low and vicious parents. That he had from his birth no better qualities than treachery, ingratitude, and Malice. Not only is this not true but Bumble has created a false background of Olivers history, which he tries to deceive Mr Brownlow with. Dickens has portrayed the evil characteristics of Bumble and he has depicted the evil aspects of human nature through this character. He is desperate to get his reward. In his greed he blackens the character of Oliver and describes him as a foul child. Mr. Bumble does not mind spoiling the reputation of Oliver as long as it would earn him five guineas. Once again Dickens reveals the corrupt parochial world through the character of Mr. Bumble. The most amusing scene in the novel is the one in which Mr. Bumble is shown assessing the property of Mrs. Corney before proposing marriage to her. His exclamations of greed, his flirtatious manner, and his display of affection make Mr. Bumble into a rather comic character. Mr. Bumble is married for two months but he looks unhappy in his relationship. Mrs. Corney dominates and insults him, which causes unpleasantness between them. She does so in the same room in which both of them had expressed their love for each other. The woman, who had acted coy before, now behaves like a demon, hitting her husband and tearing his hair, which is Dickenss humor. Within the relationship Mr Bumble finds himself in a difficult position, he believes that he his in command of the relationship and the wife has to obey: The prerogative of man is too command. By Mr. Bumble saying this it caused Mrs. Bumble great unpleasantness and there is a rather comic moment where Mrs. Bumble attacks Mr. Bumble with success: clasping him tightly round the throat with one hand, inflicted a shower of blows. What Charles Dickens is trying to illustrate is that Mr. Bumble was so full of his own importance that he didnt care about others. Now, that Mrs. Bumble is present she can control Mr. Bumble to an extent and put things into perspective for Mr. Bumble. Charles Dickens is depicting Mr. Bumble and the reader feels that that is what he deserves. Dickens has depicted both Bumble and Fagin in the development of both characters. He has clearly expressed his concerns for the corruption of social conditions; how children are treated, the way law his administered and the consequences it leads to: crime. All of these factors are illustrated through how dickens has depicted the evil aspects of human nature through Bumble and Fagin. The reader is expecting the evil characters of Bumble and Fagin to obviously have the ending that they deserve and this is what Dickens gives to the reader. Dickens builds up a great deal of tension to Fagins death and when Oliver and Mr. Brownlow go to meet Fagin, before his death, Dickens portrays him as a helpless animal: The condemned criminal was seating on his bed, rocking himself from side to side, with a countenance more like that of a snarled beast than a face of a man. Dickens has transformed this character, from the ruler of the criminal world to a powerless animal and he has gained the readers sympathy by doing this. But, because of his evil ways, death is his punishment, and that is what I personally think he deserves. When Fagin his approaching his death he his not even willing to share a prayer with Oliver and he his portrayed as a crazy criminal. He starts discussing an escape route with Oliver to help him and Dickens is still depicting this character; even in his last moments of life, he cannot even say a prayer, instead he plans an escape. Charles Dickens from start to finish has depicted this character of his evil human nature. In Bumbles ending, Dickens clearly portrays that Mr. and Mrs. Bumbles relationship isnt going well and eventually they have split up. Not only did they split up but they became paupers in the very workhouse that they once ruled. Dickens has given the ending to these two characters for what they deserve. Overall, Bumble is portrayed as a character that is so full of his own importance and his marriage with Mrs. Corney becomes rather comic and we feel he has suffered at his own hands. Fagin is portrayed as a sinister character, who is attached to his materialism and who only cares about himself. Charles Dickens has depicted the evil aspects of human nature through Bumble and Fagin. Dickens has criticized both these characters to express his concerns for the social conditions of his time such as law, authority, power and crime, and I believe he has clearly expressed these factors through depicting the characters of Bumble and Fagin.
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